5 Signs of Overuse of Credit Card
Time to Draw the Line: Limit the Use of Credit Card in Case:
- Reaching the Credit Card Limit, Frequently – This is the worst situation when you have cash crunch and you actually need money. Since such emergencies crop up and are unavoidable, it is best to be prepared than take hurried steps to avert the financial trouble at the very last. Maintain a pattern of using the card that will help you in keeping real good credit score. Staying cautious will increase your credit worthiness. Take benefits of other financial aids like loans.
- Increasing Income yet Decreasing Savings: The time you feel, your savings are decreasing even though income is increasing, it's time to stop spending excessively. Sometimes addiction of credit card use can deplete financial liquidity. This practise may affect you negatively in the long run.
- Multiple Credit Cards: Sometimes bank can send offers for pre-approved credit cards, which may entice you to purchase multiple of these. You can shop more having many credit cards, but it is not just the increased shopping, it is the increased interest as well, you will have to pay.
- Borrowing to Make Bill Payments: STOP! It is indeed an alarming signal and you must stop using credit card. Otherwise this will put heavy burden on your finance and you will have to pay double of the debt.
- Paying the minimum bill amount: - This will lead to a nuisance i.e. the next bill, which will come to you the following month, will have the fresh amount and compound interest calculated on your previous bill. This will only increases financial burden on you and there can be a time, you will have to declare yourself bankrupt.